Bleach Tray Instructions
Follow your dental assistants’ instructions on how to load gel into your custom bleaching tray. Use no more than 1/3 of the syringe.
Brush teeth, then insert tray. Lightly tap tray to adapt tray sides to teeth. Remove tray after 30-45 minutes. For best results and comfort, bleach once in the morning and once at night.
Remove excess gel with a soft toothbrush. Rinse until excess gel is removed. Do not swallow rinses.
If significant sensitivity occurs, stop treatment and consult our office.
Clean tray with soft brush and cool tap water. Store tray in case provided.
Bleaching Precautions:
- Do not use household bleach to whiten teeth.
- Pregnant or nursing women should not bleach.
- Keep gel out of heat/sunlight. Do not freeze.
- Tooth fillings and crowns do not bleach.
- Foods and juices high in acid may cause sensitivity.
- Do not use tobacco products or eat while bleaching.
- Teeth are naturally darker along the gum line. These areas may require more time to lighten than the rest of the tooth.
- A small percentage of patients experience sensitivity while bleaching.
- Some patients have noticed temporary discomfort of the gums, lips, throat, or tongue. Should any of these symptoms persist more than two days or progressively worsen, call our office. These side effects will usually subside within 1-3 days after treatment is discontinued.
- Coffee, tobacco, and other products can restain your teeth over time. Should this occur, the teeth can be rewhitened within a few nights.
- Regular dental checkups and cleanings are important before and after bleaching to maintain a healthy smile.
- Some old amalgam or “silver” fillings may leave a dark purple color in your bleaching tray; this is normal.
- Discard any unused bleaching gel after treatment is completed.
- Do not swallow gel or rinses. Product contains peroxide and may contain fluoride; swallowing large amounts can be harmful.
Questions? Call our office! 206-878-8180